The digital revolution is in full swing, and corporations around the globe are increasingly turning to low-code platforms to expedite the process of developing applications. Two of the most well-known Low code leaders in this space are Mendix and OutSystems. This article aims to present a comprehensive comparison of these two platforms.


Mendix and OutSystems are both all-inclusive low-code development platforms that allow developers to swiftly build web and mobile applications without requiring extensive programming knowledge. They come equipped with visual development aids, ready-made templates, and recyclable components, all geared towards accelerating the development of applications.

Online Studio - Craft apps directly in your web browser




Mendix is browser-based, making it accessible from any computer with a web browser, no special tools required

With OutSystems, you need to install the Studio as a bare minimum


Mendix includes built-in collaboration tools, allowing easy communication and feedback within development tasks

OutSystems lacks these integrated communication tools

User-friendly Interface

Mendix's simplified interface makes it welcoming for beginner developers.

OutSystems doesn't offer this easy start.

Seamless Transition

In Mendix, applications can smoothly shift from a beginner developer to a professional one for polishing and releasing. This encourages seamless transition

OutSystems only allows a one-way transition from the template tool to the Studio

Mendix 10 Unification

The forthcoming Mendix 10 launch is set to revolutionize the developer experience by merging Studio and Studio Pro into a singular IDE. This seamless integration aims to empower coders of all proficiency levels and foster a collaborative environment with business visionaries. Gear up for an era of synergized application development!

Mendix 10 Unification

Unveiling the Blueprint

This visual narrative captures the exciting convergence of Mendix Studio and Studio Pro, illustrating the dawn of a unified development experience. A picture truly worth a thousand words!

Unified Desktop IDE - One-stop desktop solution for professional developers



Unified IDE vs Multiple IDEs

Mendix operates with a single Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Meaning, developers can access all functions and tools within one interface. This results in a consistent user interface and no need to switch between different environments during development

OutSystems has multiple desktop IDEs for different functions (though they're trying to consolidate), which requires developers to navigate different interfaces for different tasks.


In Mendix, all workflow development is contained within the primary IDE

OutSystems utilizes a separate application for building workflows. After building the flow in this separate application, you cannot go back and use the original tool for maintenance.


Updates are centralized since there's only one IDE to maintain

Multiple tools need to be kept up to date separately

Uniform Database Structure: The underlying database stays loyal to the developer's naming conventions, no surprises!



The database is created and controlled by the platform.

The data is not accessible by default

Mendix uses PostgreSQL as the underlying database

Reporting on data requires either building it into the platform or requesting database access

Users can download and view data whenever they like

When accessing the underlying data, the table names are changed with each version, given a new namespace prefix

The platform allows for exposing the data via Odata, making it easy to consume in reporting tools or populate a data warehouse

To report on the data, a solution must be created to dynamically pull data from tables with changing names or stage it in another warehouse database using a dynamic routine

Streamlined OData Publisher: Seamlessly create and publish a secure OData source right from the IDE



Integrated OData publisher in the Studio Pro IDE

Does not have built-in support for publishing OData

Exposes data through OData, allowing for easy access and integration with reporting tools

Allows data publishing through a REST API, but it may be less accessible from a reporting perspective

Provides the ability to specify security credentials and tie them to user roles

Requires manual implementation of data security measures

Offers row-level data security to limit data exposure based on user roles

Often involves having multiple endpoints for different user roles to enforce data access control

Harnessing the power of OData services, MXTechies has ingeniously integrated microservice architecture within the Mendix platform. This innovative approach has resulted in seamless data consistency across multiple application services. In essence, MXTechies is orchestrating a symphony of interconnected applications, ensuring flawless harmony in the realm of data integrity.

SASS Support: Effortlessly style your applications with built-in SASS support



Utilizes SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) for underlying styling

Uses traditional CSS for styling

Versatile variables for easier customization and structured syntax for improved readability and maintainability.

While functional, it may not promote clarity and structured styling

Ability to split styles across files to limit complexity and advanced features like mixins for efficient style reuse.

Provides basic styling capabilities

At MXTechies, Sass is our style superhero, jazzing up our CSS and transforming it from basic to brilliant! It's our design compass, guiding us to clean, reusable, and easy-to-maintain code. With Sass, we're not just coding, we're composing stunning visual symphonies!

Empower Data Protection: Row-Level Security Tailored to User Roles



Provides control over access at a data level with row level security.

Relies on a database with a flat level of security

User roles can be limited using conditional logic, ensuring they only see records they are authorized to view

Control over data access is primarily dictated by the pages used to access the data and the permissions granted to those pages

This level of control extends to the user interface, automatically hiding navigational links to pages that users do not have access to

Achieving granular control on a page often involves duplicating pages for different user roles, showing/hiding buttons, or splitting data retrieval actions based on user roles

Offers a more granular and centralized approach to data and access control, simplifying management and reducing the need for duplicate solutions

This approach can result in multiple solutions to the same problem and can be challenging to manage

AI-Powered Performance Boost: Unleash the power of AI in your IDE for lightning-fast performance analysis and genius suggestions to enhance your app's speed



Studio Pro in Mendix includes the MxAssist Performance bot

Performance analysis tools are separate from the development studio

The bot scans your code for bad patterns and potential performance issues.

Provides robust metrics but lacks detailed suggestions and linking back to the application to locate problems.

It directs you to the specific faults within the application and provides explanations of the problems and guidance on how to fix them and offers a more integrated and informative approach to performance analysis and issue resolution

Highlights complex mapping tools as a feature, but this complexity arises due to the platform's architecture, which can easily lead to messy implementations

Unleash True Native Power - No Interface Wrappers, Only Fully Native Apps!



Produces true React Native mobile applications that are compiled and run directly on the device, without the need for a wrapper or web view.

Mobile apps are not truly native; they are web apps packaged in a wrapper called Cordova (formerly known as PhoneGap).

There is no reliance on a third-party wrapper being maintained, ensuring efficient interfacing with the device.

Actions performed in the app pass through a web view and an additional layer, which can result in performance issues.

The apps have a more direct and efficient interaction with the device, without the performance drawbacks of passing through a web view

There is a dependency on the Cordova wrapper being maintained to keep up with device features and technology changes

Mendix prioritizes the development of native mobile apps, without the need for Cordova or similar wrappers.

OutSystems emphasizes time-saving by using Cordova for packaging web apps into mobile apps

MXTechies is the maestro of truly native support, orchestrating flawless performances across platforms! We're the tech virtuosos tuning apps for native pitch-perfection. With us, it's not just support, it's a native revolution!

Empowering Industrial Edge Applications: Seamlessly create and deploy Industrial Edge applications as a standard feature



Mendix applications can be packaged and deployed to work on various industrial edge devices using Siemens Industrial Edge Suite

As per the extensive research conducted, OutSystems might not have specific capabilities or offerings related to industrial edge devices or a dedicated marketplace for edge applications.

Users can explore pre-packaged applications on the Industrial Edge Hub marketplace for deployment on their edge devices

Alternatively, users have the flexibility to independently build and deploy applications using the Industrial Edge Publisher

At MXTechies, we're not just building industrial edge applications, we're supercharging them! With our tech expertise, we turn raw data into actionable insights, revving up operational efficiency. It's how we're redefining the edge of innovation. With us, industries don't just edge forward, they leap into the future!

Unified Collaborative Development: Discuss development tasks and changes directly within the platform, right alongside the relevant items. No need to switch between tools!



Collaboration and Communication Tools

Mendix provides built-in collaboration and communication tools to enhance project management. With features like "Project Buzz" and conversations within specific areas of the system, users can have project-centric discussions without the need for external communication tools like email. This streamlines communication and ensures queries and issues are clearly highlighted

OutSystems lacks inbuilt collaboration or communication tools, requiring users to rely on external platforms for project discussions.

Support for Citizen Developers

Mendix's Studio allows Citizen Developers (non-technical users) to participate more effectively in the development process. They can start conversations alongside specific areas of the system, such as pages and microflows, allowing them to raise queries and highlight problems more precisely. This feature empowers Citizen Developers by enabling them to express their concerns in a visual and contextual manner

OutSystems does not offer similar functionality, potentially making it harder for Citizen Developers to communicate their queries effectively

At MXTechies, we're the agile artists, painting masterpieces of Mendix applications with precision strokes! Our palette brims with the vibrant hues of Mendix epics/user stories and the project management powerhouses like Jira, Trello, and Asana.

Our team, the creative core of MXTechies, features Mendix maestros, UI/UX virtuosos, insightful Business Analysts, and dedicated Project Managers. Together, they're like a harmonious orchestra, each playing their part to compose a symphony of seamless development.

Throughout this riveting performance, transparency takes center stage. Every act, every scene in the development lifecycle is shared with our audience – our valued customers. It's a production of trust, collaboration, and innovation, where we're not just building Mendix applications, but orchestrating grand tech operas!


In conclusion, when comparing Mendix and OutSystems, several key differences stand out.

Mendix Takes the Spotlight: Outshining OutSystems in App Development:

  • One Platform for Multi-Experiences
  • Cloud Native Since 2014
  • Open Low-Code DevOps
  • Collaborative Development
  • Version Control by Default

Mendix tops OutSystems as it excelling in collaboration, promises tighter security (super safe), providing authentic native feel, and keeps tech hassles low!

Considering these differences, it is evident that Mendix offers a more streamlined and collaborative development experience, empowering developers to create powerful applications efficiently. Mendix emerges as a strong contender for developers seeking a comprehensive and user-friendly platform.